The next show that I will be taking part in is another group exhibition at SOL Gallery.

Curated by Mr Dimples, this show is titled and themed ‘SEX’ and features works by 20 artists including Alanah Ellen Brand, Alicia Thomas, Andy Li, Bridie Margaret O’Toole, Chris Duffy, David Lee Pereira, ERA, HeHimJim, Lucy Weir, Manda Lane, Marco Pennacchia, Martin John Lee, Mr Dimples, Richard McCoy, Ryan Pola, Sarah Wallace-Smith, Steven Stanley, Tinky, Tom Whitty and me!

I will be exhibiting two new digital art pieces.

The exhibition runs from the June 12 to 23 at SOL Gallery, 420 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.

The opening is on Thursday June 13 from 6:00-8:00pm. I hope to see you there!